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Our online staff is professionally trained and they have great knowledge on the SnowPro-Core study guide. So they can clearly understand your requirements and ideas and then help you make the right choices. When you have purchased our SnowPro-Core exam practice, but you do not know how to install it, we can also provide remote guidance to help you complete the installation. All in all, we will always be there to help you until you pass the SnowPro-Core Exam and get a certificate.
A Snowflake account has activated federated authentication.
What will occur when a user with a password that was defined by Snowflake attempts to log in to Snowflake?
Answer: B
When federated authentication is activated in Snowflake, users authenticate via an external identity provider (IdP) rather than using Snowflake-managed credentials. Therefore, a user with a password defined by Snowflake will be unable to enter a password and must use their IdP credentials to log in.
Which Snowflake object helps evaluate virtual warehouse performance impacted by query queuing?
Answer: D
True or False: Reader Accounts are able to extract data from shared data objects for use outside of Snowflake.
Answer: B
A reader account can only consume data from the provider account that created it.
Which of the following is a valid source for an external stage when the Snowflake account is located on Microsoft Azure?
Answer: B
Which of the following statements are true of Virtual Warehouses? (Choose all that apply.)
Answer: A,B,C,D
Reference: https://docs.snowflake.com/en/user-guide/warehouses-multicluster.html
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